Arabic is one of the world’s major languages, spoken throughout North Africa, much of the Middle East, and beyond. And across that huge geographic area there is a lot of variation.
People who want to learn Arabic always face Continue reading
Arabic is one of the world’s major languages, spoken throughout North Africa, much of the Middle East, and beyond. And across that huge geographic area there is a lot of variation.
People who want to learn Arabic always face Continue reading →
Lots of people out there flirt with the idea of learning a new language, but are wary of a long-term investment of time and effort, so they want to find out what the easiest language to learn for English speakers is. Or maybe they`re just curious. In any case, what makes a language easier to learn is (a) its simplicity, and (b) its similarity to your native Continue reading →
The revival of Hebrew as a spoken language in the 19th century is one of those amazing linguistic stories that makes people wonder. How could a religious-cultural group recreate the language of their ancestors Continue reading →